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Dr. Christine Blasey Ford

#OverIt Moment: Despite the circumstances of the Kavanaugh hearing, Dr. Ford delivered a historic testimony based in facts, logic, reasoning and personal truths, performing her “civic duty” so that the American people would know her truth concerning the man who was nominated to the highest court in America for life.

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford was born in November 1966 in Montgomery County, Maryland. She got her Ph.D. in educational psychology at USC before becoming a professor of psychology and a research psychologist. In October 2018, Dr. Ford testified that the then Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her when they were teenagers. She is a trauma survivor. She sacrificed not only her safety but also the safety of her family when she came forward with her allegations against Kavanaugh. Yet Kavanaugh was confirmed despite Dr. Ford’s testimony and sacrifices.


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